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Date: 2010-2012
Materials: soil, wheat seeds, recycled metal, fabric, thread, cable, water
Size: 170 x 150 x 45 cm
Exhibition: FIAF Crossing the Line Festival, The Invisible Dog Art Center, Brooklyn, New York and Anatomia Botanica, Cheekwood Botanical Garden & Museum of Art, Nashville, US
Lives of grass v3 is the third version of a work started in 2010. In this third version, Lives of grass on one hand suggests to think about the way we participate with a more or less active attention to more-that-humans’ cycle of life. Here the human body maintains a symbiotic relation with a plant : wheat. This wheat which is grown through intensive monocultures through the world, is here directly growing through the human body, thus establishing a direct relationship between cultivated food and the body in which it incorporates. On the other hand, in a science-fictional perspective, Lives of grass v3 suggests an imaginary world in which human beings would be able to actively participate to different forms of photosynthesis. If they succeed in developing such metabolism, humans could in a way give up a certain ontology of predation by fully accepting their pacific mediating role within a reconsidered planetary ecosystem.